Sunday, 29 January 2012

Managers Need to Know

The increasing globalization requires more cooperation and communication among people from different culture, beliefs, and background than ever before. People no longer live in a lonely continent and work in an insular marketplace; they are now part of worldwide economy where competitions coming from nearly every continent. For this reason, profit and non-profit organizations need diversity workforce to make them creative and dynamic. Maximizing and capitalizing workforce diversity is significant to company management today.
Many programs are designed to train supervisors to effectively manage diverse workforce. They provides general definition of diversity, discuss the benefits of diversity in workplace, the challenge of managing a diverse workforce and effective strategies of managing diverse workforce.
Supervisors and managers could benefit from those programs. Because they need to know the way in which the workplace is changing, evolving and diversifying. Since diversity remains a significant organizational challenge, managers must lean managerial skills which are needed in a multicultural work environment. Supervisors and managers must be prepared to teach themselves and others within their organizations to respect multicultural differences in both colleagues and customers so that everyone will be more respectful and the organizations will be more efficient.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Colorful Society

Canada is an immigrant country whose population consists of millions of people who come from almost every corner around the world; therefore, it is not surprise that Canadian workforce is becoming increasingly diverse and this trend seems not stop in a short future.  
Being diverse in the whole society absolutely benefits the power of Canada. These immigrants bring different culture, attitudes, technologies and values into Canada while they arrive, which can create a dynamic and colorful economic environment that enhance the well-educated labor pool as well as improve the economic effectiveness and efficiency.
Currently, the proportions of visible minorities increase fast in Canadian workforce. Being diverse has obvious benefits than disadvantages. For instance, employing a certain portion of visible minority helps company to establish a good image to the society and to better attract and serve those immigrants who tend to have the same culture, by doing this, companies will make more profits. Furthermore, increasing the visible minorities in workforce can improve their sense of belonging, so they are able to fit this country more quickly.